Blogging career salary 2 lakh per month

blogging career

Blogging career can give you income starting from 5,000 to 2 lakh per month, and that to . straight from your comfortable home. This career requires few hours and zero investment, and no monthly target.

With blogging one can earn quite good of money without any tension.

Let us explore the steps involved in becoming a blogger, and how through share our ideas online one can make lots of money.

Blogging – A Promising Career: Unlocking the Potential of Blogging in Today’s Digital World.

In today’s digital era, where technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and share information, blogging has emerged as a powerful platform for individuals to express their thoughts, share knowledge, and connect with a global audience. What was once considered a hobby or personal journaling has now transformed into a promising career option for many.

I. The Rise of Blogging:

The concept of blogging originated in the late 1990s, primarily as a means for individuals to share their personal experiences and thoughts. Over time, blogging evolved and gained popularity, attracting a wider audience. With the advent of platforms like WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr, creating and managing a blog became more accessible to everyone. Today, blogs cover a vast array of topics, including fashion, travel, lifestyle, technology, finance, and more.

II. The Power of Blogging:

1. Creative Expression:

Blogging allows individuals to express their creativity and showcase their unique voice. It provides a platform to share stories, insights, opinions, and expertise on various subjects. By leveraging the power of words, bloggers can captivate and engage their readers, leaving a lasting impact.

2. Knowledge Sharing:

Blogging is an effective medium for sharing knowledge and expertise. Many bloggers have established themselves as experts in their respective niches, providing valuable insights and guidance to their audience. Whether it’s cooking tips, DIY projects, fitness routines, or career advice, blogs have become go-to resources for people seeking information.

3. Building a Community:

Blogging fosters a sense of community and connection. Through comments and social media interactions, bloggers can engage with their readers, creating a loyal and dedicated following. The support and feedback received from the community further fuel the blogger’s motivation and passion for their work.

4. Monetization Opportunities:

One of the significant advantages of blogging as a career is the potential for monetization. Successful bloggers can generate income through various channels, such as sponsored content, affiliate marketing, brand collaborations, advertising, and even launching their own products or services. With strategic planning and consistent effort, blogging can become a reliable source of income.

III. The Journey to Success:

1. Identifying Your Niche:

Choosing a specific niche is crucial for building a successful blog. It helps to establish authority and attract a target audience interested in the particular topic. By selecting a niche that aligns with your interests, expertise, and audience demand, you can position yourself as an authority figure and differentiate yourself from the competition.

2. Consistent and Quality Content:

Consistency is key when it comes to blogging. Regularly publishing high-quality content not only keeps your readers engaged but also improves your blog’s visibility in search engines. Creating valuable, well-researched, and engaging content will help you build credibility and establish a loyal audience base.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Understanding the basics of SEO is essential for bloggers aiming to increase their visibility and organic traffic. Optimizing blog posts with relevant keywords, meta tags, internal and external links, and providing a seamless user experience are crucial for higher search engine rankings. A well-optimized blog can attract more organic traffic, leading to increased visibility and potential monetization opportunities.

4. Building a Personal Brand:

In the competitive blogging industry, building a strong personal brand sets you apart from the rest. Consistency in tone, style, and visual branding across your blog and social media platforms helps in creating a recognizable brand identity. Engaging with your audience, being authentic, and leveraging social media platforms can further enhance your personal brand and expand your reach.

IV. Overcoming Challenges:

While blogging offers numerous opportunities, it is not without its challenges. Some common hurdles bloggers face include:

1. Content Overload:

With millions of blogs available online, creating unique and valuable content that stands out can be challenging. Researching and staying up-to-date with industry trends, experimenting with different content formats, and offering a fresh perspective can help overcome this challenge.

2. Time Management:

Blogging requires consistent effort and time investment. Managing regular content creation, responding to comments, engaging on social media, and exploring monetization avenues can be overwhelming. Developing effective time management skills and setting realistic goals can help bloggers stay organized and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

3. Income Stability:

While blogging has immense potential for monetization, generating a stable income can be challenging, especially in the initial stages. Diversifying income streams, actively seeking collaboration opportunities, and building a strong online presence can help bloggers achieve financial stability over time.

Blogging has evolved from a mere hobby into a promising career option that offers immense potential for creative expression, knowledge sharing, community building, and financial success. By identifying a niche, consistently producing quality content, leveraging SEO strategies, building a personal brand, and overcoming challenges, bloggers can unlock the vast opportunities that the digital world presents. With passion, dedication, and a strategic approach, blogging can become a fulfilling and rewarding career path, empowering individuals to make their mark in the online sphere. So, if you have a story to share, knowledge to impart, or a passion to pursue, blogging awaits you with open arms.

How one can start Blogging?

Starting a blog is an exciting venture that can lead to a fulfilling career in the digital world. Here are the steps to help you get started on your blogging journey:

1. Choose a Niche:

Selecting a niche is the first and crucial step in starting a blog. Consider your interests, expertise, and target audience. Focus on a specific area or topic that you are passionate about and have knowledge in.

2. Choose a Blogging Platform:

Many blogging platforms are available online some are even free also. WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr are popular options. Evaluate their user-friendliness, customization options, and scalability to choose the one that suits your needs best. is highly recommended for its flexibility and extensive plugin ecosystem.

3. Decide on a Domain Name:

Your domain name is your blog’s web address (e.g., It should be easy to remember, relevant to your niche, and preferably reflect your blog’s identity. Conduct a domain name search to ensure that it is available and register it with a domain registrar of your choice.

4. Set Up Hosting:

The first step in starting the blogging career is to host your website on the server. There are many companies who provide hosting service at affordable rates some names include Godaddy, Hostinger,  Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator. Choose a reliable hosting provider that offers good uptime, customer support, and scalability options. Install WordPress on your hosting account, which is usually a one-click process. Once your website is hosted it can be accessible on the world wide web.

5. Customize Your Blog:

Once your blog is set up, customize its appearance and functionality. Select a visually appealing and responsive theme that aligns with your blog’s niche and branding. Customize the colors, fonts, and layout to create a unique and user-friendly interface. Install essential plugins to enhance functionality, such as an SEO plugin, social sharing buttons, and a contact form.

6. Create Compelling Content:

Content is the heart of your blog. Develop a content strategy and plan your topics, keywords, and posting frequency. Write high-quality, engaging, and informative articles that provide value to your readers. In order to make your content clickable the use of  images, videos, and graphs, charts helps a great deal in making your content more appealing. Be consistent in publishing new content to keep your audience engaged.

7. Implement SEO Strategies:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps improve your blog’s visibility in search engine results. Research and incorporate relevant keywords in your blog posts, titles, headings, and meta descriptions. Use internal and external links to enhance the structure and credibility of your content. Optimize your blog’s loading speed and mobile-friendliness for better user experience.

8. Engage with Your Audience:

Engaging with your readers helps in boosting your website. Adding comments on your blog will facilitate the readers to interact with you and build a community. Create account on social media platforms such facebook, twitter, quora for sharing your blog and engaging with the audience.

9. Monetize Your Blog:

You can apply for monetization once your blog gains attention of the audience on the big level. These may include sponsored content, affiliate marketing, advertising, selling digital products or services, and collaborations with brands or businesses. Choose monetization strategies that align with your niche and audience to ensure authenticity and relevance.

10. Analyze and Adapt:

Regularly analyze your blog’s performance using web analytics tools like Google Analytics. Monitor traffic, user behavior, and popular content to gain insights into what works and what doesn’t. Adapt your content and strategies based on the data to continuously improve your blog’s reach and engagement.

Remember, starting a blog requires dedication, consistency, and patience. It is not a one day work but it require consistent efforts and uniqueness in your work. Stay true to your passion and keep learning and evolving as you embark on your blogging journey.

How one earn money through blogging as a career? What is the logic behind it?

There are plethora of way to earn money through blogging. Here are some common methods that bloggers use to monetize their blogs:

1. Advertising:

One of the primary methods of blog monetization is through advertising. Bloggers can display ads on their websites and earn revenue based on ad impressions (CPM) or clicks (CPC). Google AdSense is a popular advertising program that matches ads to the content of your blog and pays you for ad clicks or impressions.

2. Sponsored Content:

Sponsored content involves partnering with brands or businesses to create promotional content on your blog. This can include sponsored blog posts, reviews, or social media mentions. Brands compensate bloggers for featuring their products or services, and the payment can be in the form of a flat fee or a commission-based agreement.

3. Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing allows bloggers to earn a commission by promoting products or services through unique affiliate links. Whenever there is a on the link and the user  makes a purchase from the adds, the blogger earns a percentage of the sale. Many companies and online marketplaces offer affiliate programs, such as Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction.

4. Digital Products:

Bloggers can create and sell their own digital products, such as e-books, online courses, templates, or guides. These products leverage the blogger’s expertise and provide value to their audience. Selling digital products allows bloggers to earn revenue directly without relying on third-party platforms.

5. Membership or Subscription:

Some bloggers offer premium content or exclusive membership areas on their blogs. Readers pay a recurring fee to access this specialized content, such as in-depth tutorials, exclusive resources, or a community forum. This monetization method works well for bloggers with a dedicated and engaged audience.

6. Consulting or Services:

If you have specialized knowledge or skills in a particular field, you can offer consulting services or freelance work through your blog. This can include providing one-on-one coaching, offering professional services, or becoming a freelance writer or designer. Your blog serves as a portfolio and a platform to attract clients.

The logic behind blog monetization is based on the concept of providing value to your audience. As a blogger, your primary focus should be on creating high-quality content that meets the needs and interests of your readers. By consistently delivering valuable information, you build trust and a loyal audience base.

Monetization methods then come into play by leveraging the attention and trust you’ve gained from your audience. Advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and digital products allow you to earn revenue by partnering with brands or offering products or services that align with your blog’s niche and audience’s interests.

Successful monetization requires a balance between maintaining authenticity and providing value to your audience while also generating income. It’s important to choose monetization methods that are relevant and non-intrusive to your readers’ experience. Transparency and disclosure are essential when engaging in sponsored content or affiliate marketing to maintain trust with your audience.

Building a successful and profitable blog takes time, effort, and consistency. It’s crucial to focus on creating quality content and growing your audience before diving into monetization strategies. As your blog gains traction and establishes authority, you can experiment with different monetization methods to find what works best for you and your audience.

What is, also known as Blogspot, is a popular blogging platform owned by Google. It provides a free and user-friendly platform for individuals to create and manage their blogs without the need for technical expertise or hosting arrangements. has been around since 1999 and has been widely used by bloggers of all levels of experience.

Here are some key features and characteristics of

1. Easy Setup and Management: offers a straightforward setup process, allowing users to create a blog quickly. It provides a user-friendly interface for managing blog posts, designing layouts, and customizing the appearance of the blog.

2. Free Hosting: provides free hosting for blogs created on its platform. This means that users don’t need to purchase separate hosting services to make their blogs accessible on the internet.

3. Customization Options: offers a range of customizable templates and themes to choose from, allowing users to personalize the appearance of their blogs. Users can also modify the layout, fonts, colors, and other design elements to create a unique look and feel.

4. Integration with Google Services: As is owned by Google, it seamlessly integrates with various Google services. This includes easy integration with Google AdSense for monetization, Google Analytics for tracking blog statistics, and seamless integration with other Google tools like Google Photos and YouTube.

5. Built-in Widgets and Gadgets: provides a variety of built-in widgets and gadgets that can be easily added to a blog’s sidebar or footer. These include popular features such as an archive list, labels/tags, search box, social media buttons, and more, enhancing the functionality and user experience of the blog.

6. Mobile-Friendly and Responsive: ensures that blogs created on its platform are mobile-friendly and responsive, meaning they automatically adjust to different screen sizes and devices. This helps provide a better user experience for visitors accessing the blog from smartphones or tablets.

7. Community and Support: has an active user community where bloggers can connect with each other, seek advice, and share their experiences. Additionally, Google provides support through its help center and forums to assist users with any technical or operational issues they may encounter.

8. Domain Customization: allows users to customize their blog’s domain name to have a unique web address (e.g., Users can either purchase a domain through a third-party domain registrar and link it to their Blogger blog or use a free subdomain provided by Blogger (e.g.,

In summary, is a user-friendly and popular blogging platform that allows individuals to create and manage their blogs for free. It provides an accessible and customizable environment, making it an attractive option for beginners and those who prefer a simple and straightforward blogging experience.

What is Word Press and blogging?

WordPress is a widely used content management system (CMS) that allows users to create, manage, and publish websites and blogs. It provides a flexible and customizable platform for individuals and businesses to build their online presence. Blogging is a form of content creation and publishing, often done through a blog platform like WordPress, where individuals share their thoughts, expertise, and experiences in a chronological format.

Here’s a closer look at WordPress and blogging:

1. WordPress:

WordPress is a CMS that powers over 40% of the websites on the internet. It is an open-source platform, which means the software is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It offers two versions:, a hosted platform, and, which requires self-hosting. Most discussions about WordPress in the context of blogging refer to

wordpress icon
Icon of WordPress

Key features of WordPress include:

– User-Friendly Interface: WordPress provides a user-friendly dashboard that makes it easy to manage and update website content.

– Themes and Templates: WordPress offers a vast collection of themes and templates that determine the appearance and design of a website. These can be customized to create a unique and personalized look.

– Plugins and Extensions: WordPress has a vast ecosystem of plugins and extensions that add additional functionality to a website. This allows users to enhance their website’s features, such as SEO optimization, contact forms, social media integration, e-commerce capabilities, and more.

– SEO-Friendly: WordPress has built-in SEO features and supports various SEO plugins, making it easier to optimize websites for search engines and improve their visibility.

Active Support  from Community: WordPress has vast community of  designers, developers, and users who are actively working and contributing in the forms of developing plugins, themes, and tutorials.

2. Blogging:

Blogging is the act of creating and publishing content on a blog platform, such as WordPress, in a chronological format. Bloggers share their thoughts, expertise, experiences, and opinions on various topics of interest. Blogging has evolved over the years from personal online diaries to a professional medium for sharing knowledge, building communities, and even generating income.

Key aspects of blogging include:

– Content Creation: Bloggers create content in the form of blog posts, articles, or multimedia elements like images and videos. They focus on providing value to their readers by sharing insights, tips, tutorials, stories, and more.

– Categories and Tags: Bloggers often categorize their content into different topics or categories, making it easier for readers to navigate and find relevant information. Tags are used to provide more specific labels for individual blog posts.

– Interactivity and Engagement: Blogging allows readers to engage with the content through comments, likes, and shares. Bloggers can respond to comments and foster conversations with their audience, building a community around their blog.

– Monetization: Many bloggers explore various monetization strategies, such as advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, selling digital products or services, or offering premium memberships. These strategies allow bloggers to generate income from their blogs.

– SEO Optimization: Bloggers employ SEO strategies to improve their blog’s visibility in search engine results. This involves keyword research, optimizing blog posts for search engines, building backlinks, and ensuring a good user experience.

WordPress is a versatile CMS that powers websites and blogs, offering customization options and a range of features. Blogging, on the other hand, is the practice of creating and publishing content on a blog platform, sharing knowledge and engaging with an audience. WordPress provides bloggers with a robust and user-friendly platform to manage and showcase their blog content effectively.

How much one can earn through blogging as a career?

The earning potential of blogging as a career can vary greatly depending on several factors, including niche, audience size, monetization strategies, and the blogger’s level of dedication and expertise. While some bloggers are able to generate significant income, it’s important to note that blogging is not a guaranteed source of high earnings for everyone. Here are some key considerations regarding earning potential:

1. Niche and Audience: Bloggers in profitable niches such as personal finance, health and wellness, business, and technology tend to have more earning potential due to a larger target audience and advertisers’ interest in those niches. The size and engagement level of the audience also play a significant role. A larger and more engaged audience can attract higher-paying advertisers and sponsorship opportunities.

2. Monetization Strategies: Bloggers have various monetization strategies at their disposal, including advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, digital products, and services. Combining multiple strategies can increase the overall earning potential. It’s important to diversify income streams and experiment with different strategies to find what works best for your blog and audience.

Certainly! Here’s a chart showcasing the growth of blogging worldwide over the years:

YearNumber of Blogs (in millions)
Chart showcasing the growth of blogging worldwide over the years

3. Traffic and Engagement: Higher website traffic can translate into more opportunities for monetization. Blogs with a substantial number of visitors have a higher chance of attracting advertisers, securing sponsored content deals, and generating revenue through ad clicks or impressions. Additionally, high engagement levels, such as active comments and social media shares, can indicate a loyal and dedicated audience, which can be attractive to brands and advertisers.

4. Consistency and Quality: Consistently publishing high-quality content and maintaining a regular posting schedule can contribute to long-term success and increased earnings. This helps to attract and retain readers, improve search engine rankings, and establish credibility within the niche.

5. Marketing and Promotion: Effective marketing and promotion of your blog can help attract a larger audience and potential income opportunities. Utilizing social media, networking with other bloggers and influencers, guest posting on other platforms, and implementing SEO strategies can contribute to increased visibility and reach.

It’s important to remember that building a successful and profitable blog takes time and effort. It can take months or even years to build a substantial audience and establish income-generating opportunities. Earning potential also varies greatly based on individual circumstances, such as geographic location, industry trends, and market demand.

While some bloggers earn a full-time income or more from their blogs, others may earn a supplementary income or use their blogs to support their business or personal brand. It’s crucial to approach blogging as a long-term endeavor, consistently delivering value to your audience and exploring different monetization strategies to maximize your earning potential.

Determining the exact earnings of bloggers can be challenging as it varies significantly based on factors such as niche, traffic, monetization methods, and region. However, I can provide you with a general comparison of blogger earnings in different parts of the world. Please note that these figures are approximate and can vary greatly:

Blogger Earnings in different parts of the world

RegionAverage Annual Blogger Earnings (in USD)
North America$25,000 – $75,000
Europe$15,000 – $50,000
Australia/New Zealand$10,000 – $40,000
Asia$5,000 – $20,000
Latin America$3,000 – $15,000
Africa$2,000 – $10,000
Blogger Earnings in different parts of the world

These ranges are based on the average earnings of bloggers in each region and can vary depending on various factors such as the popularity of the blog, the monetization strategies employed, the size of the audience, and the effectiveness of marketing and advertising efforts. It’s important to note that these figures are just estimates and individual blogger earnings can fall outside these ranges.

Google AdSense key to earn money

Google AdSense is an online advertising program that allows website owners and content creators to monetize their platforms by displaying targeted ads. By integrating AdSense into their websites or blogs, publishers can earn revenue when visitors click on or view these ads. Google AdSense utilizes advanced algorithms to analyze the content of the web pages and deliver ads that are relevant to the users’ interests, thus enhancing the user experience while providing publishers with a reliable source of income.